Kannada Poet Mamta G. Sagar Honored with Prestigious World Literary Prize

Mamta ji Sagar, A renowned Kannada poet, writer, academic and activist based in Bengaluru has added another feather to his cap by winning the prestigious World Literary Award From World Organization of Authors (WOW). This prestigious honor recognizes Sagar’s extraordinary contribution to the world of literature, cementing his position as a leading literary icon.

Multidimensional Artistry and Activism

Dr. Sagar, Facilitator, Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design and Technology, is celebrated for his diverse involvement in transdisciplinary creative writing and cultural industries. His work reflects not only his literary ability, but also his deep commitment to community-based projects focused on poetry.

Themes of identity, feminism and cultural diversity

Sagar’s literary works have consistently raised thought-provoking topics ranging from identity politics and feminism to cultural diversity. Through his poetry, he has given voice to the marginalized while advocating social justice and empowerment.

Collaborative projects and film adaptations

Apart from his acclaimed literary works, Sagar has also ventured into the field of film production. He has produced a series of films based on his poetry collections, entitled “Interversions 1, 2, and 3”, as part of Wales-India collaborative projects in 2018. In addition, he has also created a video presentation of his poem “For”. Gauri,” dedicated to late journalist-activist Gauri Lankesh.

A diverse and acclaimed literary work

Sagar’s literary achievements extend far beyond the World Literary Awards, as he has been honored with several awards, including the LIFFT Award, a gold medal and a diploma for outstanding contributions to the field of literature. His published works, such as “Kada Navilina Hejje,” “Chukki Chukki Chandakki,” “Nadiya Neerina Tewa,” and “Ili Saluva Matu” have won him wide acclaim and recognition.

Inspiring the next generation of poets and writers

Mamta ji as a Kannada poet, writer and activist. Sagar’s remarkable journey serves as a testament to the power of the written word and the transformative potential of literary expression. His work not only mesmerizes the audience but also inspires the next generation of poets and writers to embrace the richness of their cultural heritage and use their craft as a tool for social change and empowerment.

Celebrating linguistic and cultural diversity

The World Literary Award given to Mamata Ji Sagar is a celebration of the depth and diversity of Kannada literature as well as global recognition of the artistic and intellectual contributions of Indian poets and writers. This honor serves as a testament to the lasting impact of Sagar’s work and his unwavering commitment to amplifying the voices of marginalized people.

A role model for aspiring literary talents

Sagar’s journey serves as a shining example for aspiring writers and poets, showing that through dedication, creativity and a strong commitment to social justice, anyone can leave an indelible mark on the literary landscape. Their achievements inspire others to embrace their cultural heritage, engage in meaningful dialogue, and use the power of language to create positive change in the world.

Continuous contribution and pursuit of excellence

As Mamata Ji Sagar continues to explore new frontiers in her literary and artistic pursuits, her legacy as a Kannada poet, writer and activist will undoubtedly continue to inspire generations to come. The World Literary Award is a testament to his unwavering dedication and a celebration of his enduring contribution to the rich tapestry of Indian literature.

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